2022/2023 Contest: Registration is open!

Late registration: Jan-30 23:59, 2023

Late registration: Feb-08 23:59, 2023 

2023 contest plans
  • The 2023 ICPC Contest will be held in person, on 2023-Oct-28 (Sat) 13:00-18:00, tentative, in-person, at multiple sites throughout the region.
  • We will have a Tier 1 and a Tier 2 contest. Division 1 and a Division 2 contest!
    Tier 1 would be our “typical” problem-set difficulty, suitable for teams who might advance to the North American Championship. Tier 2 is intended for students who might usually complete fewer than, say, 4 or 5 problems from<!—UM—>2021’s contest.<!—/UM—>Here are other past<!—UM—> Tier 1 <!—/UM—>and<!—UM—>Tier 2<!—/UM—>problem sets (with full judging-data).
  • Registration fees will be $150(?) per team by 2023-Oct-01 23:59. Late registration, by 2023-Oct-07 25:59, has an additional $50 late fee. all dates amounts are still tentative, as of 2023-Mar-15 Here are<!—UM—>Registration instructions.<!—/UM—>
  • Our Mid-Atlantic region will share problem sets (and contest-time) with South and Southeast regions — the South Division Conference. The top three schools in each region will advance to NAC, as well as the next ?? teams from the conference’s combined scoreboard.
2022-23 update
  • Congratulations to all teams who participated in the Mid-Atlantic regional on Feb-25!
  • Five schools in our region will be advancing to the<!—UM—>North American Championship<!—/UM—>, May.25–30 in Orlando at the University of Central Florida (at most one team per school). Congratulations to UMD Red, UPennRed, UVa’s Ground Zero, Lafayette 1, and Lehigh University’s MOSS!
  • Judges'<!—UM—>comments (pdf), solutions, and test-data<!—/UM—>
  • Problem sets for<!—UM—>div1 (pdf) <!—UM—>and<!—UM—>div2 (pdf).<!—/UM—>
    You may find the problem-links on kattis (

    <!—UM—>div1<!—/UM—> and<!—UM—>div2<!—/UM—>), and then solve/submit them at<!—UM—>open.kattis.com.<!—/UM—>

  • Scoreboard for <!—UM—>div1<!—/UM—> and <!—UM—>div2<!—/UM—>.
  • Certificates: You can download a pdf with your contest rank by logging in to <!—UM—>icpc.global<!—/UM—>; your coach can also download team certificates.
    Note that for certificates, we consider all problems that solved (say) four div1 problems to be tied at 13th, followed by those teams that solved three all tied for 19th, etc. The scoreboard shows the ranking breaking-ties, but it is acceptable to say “tied for 19th”, meaning only 18 teams solved more problems (and ignoring the tie-breaker timings). (The top twelve teams, however, are strictly ranked 1-12.)
  • We appreciate any <!—UM—>feedback (google form)<!—/UM—>.
  • The ICPC regional contests will return to their pre-Covid fall dates, starting 2023-Oct-28, according to tentative plans. We look forward to seeing you there!

2023-Oct-28 (Sat) tentative

Please refer to registration.

Languages — C, C++, Java 11, Python 3 (w/ standard library), Kotlin

IDE — Eclipse, VSCode

Editors — VIM, EMACS

OS — UNIX/LINUX. Printing will be via command-line, so know ls, cd (and maybe how TAB auto-completes and up-arrow repeats commands), and where your IDE puts your file!

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