Olin-Rice Hall, Macalester College

Welcome to the Macalester College (St Paul, Minnesota)!  We are pleased to host a regional competition site for the NCNA this year on Saturday, November 4.  If you are looking for more information about our site, this website is for you.   We have a wonderful time hosting students so form a team and sign up if you need a great place to compete.

Site Director:  Dr. Susan Fox

Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science

fox at macalester dot edu

Site Amenities:

1)  Languages at site include:  Java, C/C++, and Python3.

2) Brunch, snacks and late afternoon pizza!

Arriving at the contest:

The contest will be held in Olin-Rice Hall. Parking is available to the south, west, and east of the building.

Teams should arrive by 10:00am.


9:45-10:00 OLRI Smail Gallery: Teams arrive, brunch food will be available
10:00-10:15 OLRI Smail Gallery: Information session
10:15-10:45 OLRI 258: Practice contest: Teams will log into their machines and the practice contest, make sure they can access the system and the contest, and that they know how to submit, ask questions through Kattis, and print document
10:45-11:45 OLRI Smail Gallery: Relax, resolve issues, and eat
11:45-Noon OLRI 258: Regroup, get logged in to contest accounts, get ready; Store all electronics in provided boxes
Noon OLRI 258: Contest problems distributed and contest starts!
Noon-5:00 OLRI 258: Contest runs, snacks will be available
5:00-5:30 OLRI 258: Contest ends, collect electronics, clean up your space, Pizza!
5:30-5:45 OLRI 258: Closing ceremony and time-lapse of contest last hour (zoom)


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