Welcome to the College of St Benedict & St John’s University (St. Joseph, Minnesota)!

We are pleased to host a regional competition site for the NCNA this year. If you are looking for more information about our site, this website is for you. We have a wonderful time hosting students so form a team and sign up if you need a great place to compete.

Site Director:  Dr. Paul Schumacher

Laboratory Director

pschumach001 AT csbsju DOT edu

Site Amenities:

1) Lunch (Pizza) will be provided between the test period and the competition.

2) Parking is available in Lot 1/Lot 2 on the southeast corner of the intersection of Minnesota St. and College Ave. Parking is open to visitors on Saturdays, no permit required.

3) On the campus map, this is P2/P1 for the parking lot, and 1 for the main building. (Upper right corner).


The competition is held in Main 251, across the street from the parking lots.

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