The coach is the official point-of-contact with the team prior to and during contest activities. A team may only have one coach and the coach cannot also be a contestant.

Whether you are a seasoned ICPC coach, or you’re just exploring the possibility of sending teams to the ICPC NCNA USA regional contest, you should make sure you’ve done the following:

Assemble one or more teams, each consisting of exactly three eligible students, plus an optional reserve. Please see the official ICPC Regional Rules for more details on contestant eligibility.

In addition, you will need to:

  • Fully register your team(s) before the deadline. You must provide complete team member information before the deadline, or the registration will be cancelled. There are no registration fees for the region. However, some sites may charge a fee to defray site expenses.
  • Make sure that your team has read the NCNA specific rules also.
  • Be familiar with your site’s facilities.
  • Help your team(s) practice.
  • Arrange for transportation to and from the contest.

Thank you very much for volunteering your time and energy as a coach!

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